Tuesday, September 25, 2018

OctPoWrimo 2018 Planning

I am co-opting this blog a bit. I learned about October Poetry Writing Month from Pillowfort. 
It's been a good long while since I sat down and wrote poetry. I have a few poems scribbled here and there but this is a good opportunity for me to focus on poetry for a month at least.

Planning is not really a skill I own. But, I realize I needed some direction to take that first step. After some contemplation, I decided I will write these poems with a focus on my Qigong and Mindfulness experiences. A little verse of Tao so to speak. I also seem to need some sort of goal to help me keep my commitment. So, I'll publish these poems in an e-book.

There - said it so now I need to do it.

Point, focus, CLICK!